Finger Painting Fine Artist
Rapid River Magazine: Tell us a little about your painting process.
Amy Perrier: My painting process begins by staining the canvas with several layers of color. I then begin to finger paint more color on, rather rapidly. I usually have an idea in mind when I begin to apply paint, but I’m prepared to let go of that idea and go in the direction my applications are guiding me.
As I see things happening on the canvas, I work to emphasize whatever idea it is I’m trying to convey. I will take a palette knife at several points during the process and scrape areas of paint off, which brings out the underlying color.
RRM: How did you first decide to work without using brushes?
AP: I want to convey my work as an expression of color and energy. It isn’t about the details. When I had a brush in my hand, the instinct was to paint every detail. Last year after taking an abstract workshop, I felt empowered to lay down the brushes and work just with my fingers and a knife. The results have been very rewarding.
RRM: Tell us a little about your work.
AP: My work is a culmination of places I’ve been, places I’d like to go, and what I wish were true. I love to paint with vivid colors and my ideas usually come from the natural world. Something as simple as a reflection in a puddle, or a copse of trees can inspire me to paint. The passion comes from the enjoyment of transferring what I’m seeing or feeling to the viewer of my work.
Works by Amy Perrier on display at
Art MoB Studios & Marketplace
124 4th East Avenue, Hendersonville, NC 28739
(828) 693-4545 • www.artmobstudios.com