Rapid River Magazine: Jonas, what led you to open a second River Arts District gallery?
Jonas Gerard: I’ve never been one to sit still. I’m always looking for a new creative challenge. Usually the challenge takes place on the canvas, but not always. Things get exciting when inspiration spills out into other aspects of your life.
For quite a while, I’ve been entertaining the idea of opening an additional gallery to display my larger works. When I found this wonderful space so close-by at Riverview Station I was immediately drawn to the creative possibilities, and really did view it as a canvas for artistic experimentation.
It was amazing how many creative design decisions were needed to bring it all together. Wall color and location, lighting, multimedia, floor and ceiling treatments… everything was an opportunity for expression.
RRM: How did you go about planning the new gallery?
JG: We started by building a scale model of the space. That let us do a lot of “what if” work to easily explore possibilities. Then we called in a fantastic Feng Shui consultant named Kelly Jones, who helped us make sure everything flowed energetically.
The feedback we’ve received from visitors so far has been full of warm, glowing encouragement. The new space is a big hit. Our Clingman Ave. gallery is going full blast as well. It’s going to be a busy, creative and colorful summer!
RRM: We’ve noticed a new video display system at your painting performances recently. Can you tell us about it?
JG: As I shifted deeper into the flow style of painting I explored in my recent Confluence and Fluid Poetry shows, it became obvious that I had to change the way I did the painting performances.
When I paint “flows,” the canvas is not up on my painting wall, but lays flat on a table. No matter how we arranged the seating, I was the only one who had a good view. We needed to come up with a better way… to let the audience see what I see, to give them a “Jonas’-eye-view”. With modern camera and display technology it was fairly easy to do. People really seem to enjoy this new angle on art.
RRM: What’s next for you?
JG: Our Riverview Station gallery is still a work in progress. Keep on the lookout for new and exciting developments there. Along with the new gallery, we have acquired an additional large delivery van. I’ll be painting it sometime this summer. Look for an even bigger splash of color driving around town soon.
Jonas Gerard Fine Art, 240 Clingman Avenue
Studio and Gallery are open every day from 10-6 p.m.
Riverview Station, 191 Lyman Street, in the heart
of the River Arts District.