acrylic on canvas by Jonas Gerard
by Jan Welch –
After doing something for more than fifty years, most people might be tempted to loftily lay back and be content with what they know.
Discovery demands mental, emotional and physical energy. And a willingness to let go. With The Naked Truth, artist Jonas Gerard has indeed let go and ventured into new places, personally and thematically. His abstract “flow” paintings have given birth to provocative new figurative works that reflect his own process during their creation.
In “Long Look Back” the contrast between the abstract and a human form suggests the vacillation between remaining in the familiar and moving toward the unknown. In haunting shades of cobalt and gold, a woman emerges, glancing over her shoulder. The mood is pensive, slightly mysterious. Gerard reveals hesitation in the musculature of her back, but the strength and movement inherent in the work hint at which choice she eventually will make.
“From The Depths” captures the struggle between leaving what was once enjoyable and breaking away to a freer place—toward the light. The color palette of fiery orange hues and intense purples reinforces the sense of push and pull. The fluid vertical lines of the figure tethered to the past seem to challenge the theme, but ironically support the premise of an unsettling and fearful undertaking.
There are stories here. And collectively they represent a story of transformation for the artist himself. Jonas had not painted the human figure in over 30 years. With his desire to return to nudes, particularly within the context of his abstract “flow” works, he initially believed the yearning was rooted simply in wanting to create something new, something fresh. But the creative process stirred him deeply, exposing areas of growth that were necessary for him to paint with vulnerability.
“The works are about going beyond not knowing. It’s scary and exciting because you need courage to erase the preconceived notions. Let the purity come through unadulterated,” Jonas says. “This exhibition is going to bring up a lot of feelings.”
After spending considerable time mesmerized with the new works, a fellow artist commented that you have to be honest with the painting before it can be honest with you—an insight that Jonas Gerard has revealed on many levels in The Naked Truth.
The Naked Truth runs from June 28 to July 27 at The Asheville Loft, a gallery space on the third floor at 52 Broadway St. in downtown Asheville.
If You Go: The Naked Truth, New Figurative Works by Jonas Gerard at The Asheville Loft, 52 Broadway St., Suite 3B. Meet the artist at the Opening Reception, Friday, July 3 from 5 to 8 p.m. Gallery exhibit open 7 days a week, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. On display until July 27, 2015.