Delicious Ideas – September 2015

By Kathleen Colburn –

I’ve been thinking about delicious food.

Fortunately for my clients, I’m often thinking about delicious food. I thought it would be fun to share some simple, yummy ideas with you.

There’s lots of tomatoes around. Sprinkle slices with Parmesan cheese or drizzle lightly with lemon or lime juice and sprinkle with salt. Pan fry slices and top with some of that pesto you froze back in the spring.

Zucchinis are everywhere and fritters are fun – grate them, squeeze out the liquid, add herbs, flour, baking powder, egg, then try onion, garlic, parsley, coriander and lots of lemon zest.

I like to have caramelized onions on hand. Just slice them up and brown them in a little olive oil. Add them to everything! For a quick onion dip add them to fat-free sour cream with some salt, pepper and granulated garlic. If you have lots of green beans, try steaming them and while still hot add dulse seaweed and caramelized onions. Yum!

Time to start thinking about preserving. Try fermenting – cabbage, carrots, beets, daikon radish are just a few options. Grate up five pounds of veggies, add a couple tablespoons of salt, mix up well, add to a large jar, press down to release liquid. Put the lid on and set aside until you like the flavor. Press down once a day so the veggies are always below water. Add water if needed. Fermenting can take anywhere from two to six weeks depending on the time of year and your tastes. Super healthy food.

Next month I’ll have some sweet ideas for you.

Think good thoughts!


Kathleen Colburn is a whole foods personal chef with over 30 years of experience. She is Rapid River Magazine’s Short Stories editor and a freelance editor available for a variety of literary projects. She can be reached by email: