8.5 x 5.5, 256 pp. Full color
$39.95 US

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An anthology of sixty-five contributors (from various Indigenous Nations) who share their creations in order to educate those who are interested in the history and modern-day activism of the Indigenous People of North America. Some of the contributors have been writing and producing art for several years, whereas about 25% – the youngest of whom is nine years old – are making a publishing debut. By being included in this groundbreaking anthology, all contributors are offered encouragement to keep expressing themselves to keep their cultures alive, as well as write from their own perspective instead of being “written about.” To remind the world that Indigenous voices, visions, and determination do indeed matter. A quote from one of the contributors:“For many people, especially those of us touched, inspired, and influenced over the course of our lives through the bravery, music, and words of John Trudell (Lakota, 1946-2015) the surrender of our voices nor our Indigenous world view, which we sometimes still have to fight with every cell of our beings to keep alive, is not an option. No more than surrendering our Mother Earth. Power of the Storm affirms this. MariJo Moore, with her courage of spiritual and physical commitment, is presenting that determination, that appreciation to the world and to Creation.” MariJo Moore (Cherokee) is the author of over 20 books, including several anthologies of Indigenous authors. She often gives those who have never been published the opportunity to share their voices, as in anthologies like this one.