Asheville Gallery of Art Invites Area Artists to Submit Work
The Asheville Gallery of Art, in the exciting upscale venue at 82 Patton Avenue in Asheville, invites area artists to apply for membership. The Asheville Gallery of Art (AGA) is artists’ cooperative, which exhibits original, two- dimensional works by 31 artists.
Interested artists should obtain a copy of prospective member information and a copy of a membership application, both of which are available at the gallery or may be downloaded from the AGA website (www.ashevillegallery-of-art.com). Jury entrants must deliver five finished original pieces ready for hanging, six copies of a current resume, and six copies of the completed membership application to the gallery between noon and 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 16. All work must be picked up between 2:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 17. The gallery will endeavor to preserve and protect submitted work, but cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage.
For more information, call (828) 251-5796 or e-mail questions to ashevillegalleryofart@gmail. com. The Asheville Gallery of Art is located across from Pritchard Park in downtown Asheville. Founded in 1988, AGA is Asheville’s longest-established downtown art gallery. The gallery offers works ranging from representational to abstract, in a wide choice of subject matter, styles and media. Photographs and computer art are not accepted at this time.