I don’t know which I love more: words or music. I have played the ‘cello since I was 10 years old. A LONG time. I write poetry about music. I…
Poetry at Malaprop’s Sunday Aug. 7
For some of us, it’s feeling mighty hot in Asheville of late; but I understand it’s generally hotter (and either much drier or substantially wetter) in most parts of the…
18th Annual Poetry Contest Winners
First Place Too Many Books By Howard Paine There are too many books to read, too many words to cram into my brain causing me pain driving me irresponsible. Read…
The Mad Farmer’s Liberation Front
by Wendell Berry Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay. Want more of everything ready-made. Be afraid to know your neighbors and to die. And you will…
17th Annual Poetry Contest Winners
1st Place: “Taking Issue with Kahlil Gibran” by Lenore Coberly 2nd Place: “Olympic Peninsula” by James Davis 3rd Place: “Warm Afternoon at Jeff’s” by Connor Vine Honorable Mention: “A Wink…
Poems by Majo John Madden
SCRUPULOSITY I look around me At the ruins of my room The jumbled piles of projects Still half-done The dregs of documents picked up While I was on the run…
Poems by Tracey Schmidt
Enough She dreamed Of the day she would have Enough courage To drop her idea Of the way it Should be. Then, she would step Into the wild pool And…
Sic transit gloria mundi
“Sic transit gloria mundi,” “How doth the busy bee,” “Dum vivimus vivamus,” I stay mine enemy! Oh “veni, vidi, vici!” Oh caput cap-a-pie! And oh “memento mori” When I am…
Dear John, Dear Coltrane
by Michael S. Harper a love supreme, a love supreme a love supreme, a love supreme Sex fingers toes in the marketplace near your father’s church in Hamlet, North Carolina—…