by Max Hammonds, MD – “Everyone knows that our soils are more and more depleted.” “The food that we grow is no longer nutritious. Either we must build up our soils or we must add supplements to our diet to make up for this nutritional deficiency.” Is this true? HowContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD – What is the strongest predictor of who will live a long and healthy life? Is it exercise? Is it eating a plant-based diet? Is it lowering cholesterol or stopping smoking? Is it maintaining ideal weight? Is it getting enough sleep? As important as these activitiesContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD True or False: Deep water ocean fish – oily fish – are higher in omega-3 fatty acids which lower LDL cholesterol – the bad cholesterol. Eating deep water ocean fish will lower cancer risk, especially for breast and colo-rectal cancer, and maybe for liver cancer. EatingContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD Many people have been told that they have a “hole” in their heart. What does that mean – exactly? Wouldn’t a “hole” allow the blood to run out and they would die? Where is the “hole”? The heart has four chambers. On the right side isContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD Humans harbor trillions of bacteria in their bodies. Collectively they are called the microbiome, a collection of mainly a half dozen categories of bacteria that serve a multitude of useful functions. They assist the body in the digestion of hard-to-digest carbohydrates, creating short chain fatty acidsContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD “I’m having a hard time getting to sleep.” Isn’t there a pill for that? “My cholesterol is higher than it should be.” Isn’t there a pill for that? “I have a headache every Monday morning.” Isn’t there a pill for that? “I have type II diabetesContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD We are told by our mothers that eating too many cookies is bad for you and that eating nasty-tasting cooked spinach is good for you. And we make the connection: “Everything that tastes good is bad for you and everything that tastes bad is good forContinue Reading