by Peter Loewer “Well,” shouted the Curmudgeon as he strutted like a peacock through the open door of the General Store… (Mrs. Storekeep believed that every day a bit of…
The Disease of Kings
by Max Hammonds, MD Several of the major characters in Charles Dickens’ novels suffer from inflammatory arthritis. As Dickens described it, an attack of this arthritis would last for several…
Spinning Discs March 2014
by James Cassara With so much music landing on my desk I’ll again keep my comments brief and to the point. Next month I hope to have a new music…
The Poets Voice: March 2014
Find Your Own Voice by Carol Pearce Bjorlie, Rapid River Magazine Poetry Editor/Columnist The title for this column comes from a musician of profound ability and charisma, Amit Peled. Mr….
Ruth Meaders
Journeys Under Blue Skies by Greg Vineyard Our highly-creative Western North Carolina art community grants us a type of continuous discovery-mode. We’re seeing new art and meeting the fascinating people…
Buddha’s Four Noble Truths
part 2 of 2 by Bill Walz “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your…
Grounded in Art
Inspirations High And Low by Greg Vineyard When I was younger (a long time ago, in a state far, far away), I would gaze up into the sky and locate…
The Poets Voice: February 2014
The Sound of Words by Carol Pearce Bjorlie, Rapid River Magazine Poetry Editor/Columnist Sound is the gold in the ore of poetry. ~ Robert Frost…
Spinning Discs February 2014
by James Cassara There’s much to cover this month so in order to accommodate as many releases as possible I’ll be keeping my comments brief. Remember the rule: if it’s…