by James Cassara Back again with an assortment of new under the radar releases and a pair of monster re-releases. As always you’re encouraged to first support your local independent…
More Musings on Pursuing Creative Passions by Greg Vineyard In thinking about my annual resolutions column, I find myself pondering the concept of “commitment”. For example, I’ve recently re-committed to…
All Work and No Play
by Peter Loewer Note: It should be remembered by those who have been following the exploits of The Curmudgeon, that before the transformation into his present character — and after…
A New Cosmology
by Bill Walz “Evolution occurs in a cosmic context, on a planet under a star, so terrestrially evolved brains are well equipped to construct a rich and accurate cosmological story……
The Poets Voice: December 2013
by Carol Pearce Bjorlie, Rapid River Magazine Poetry Editor/Columnist More Is Too Much We are in the season of excess: more! more! more! Excess is what it is… too much….
Hepatitis C
by Max Hammonds, MD “Bruce, can I talk with you for a minute?” Dr. Burnstock spoke quietly to his neighbor. “Sure, Doc. What’s up?” Bruce followed the doctor away from…
“Small Moves, Ellie, Small Moves…”
Some Musings Upon Launching as an Artist by Greg Vineyard My regular readers know that I often manage to work a Sci-Fi reference into my columns. Because I’m a Geek….
The Poets Voice: November 2013
by Carol Pearce Bjorlie, Rapid River Magazine Poetry Editor/Columnist An Oasis of Peace I spent four October days in St. Paul, MN. I taught writing classes at Wisdom Ways Center…
Spinning Discs November 2013
by James Cassara On the eve of the Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Festival I’m whetting my appetite with a few of the more audacious spirits out there; a nice eclectic…