by Max Hammonds, MD Look at the folded paper stapled to the professional white pharmacy bag which instructs you on how to use the drug you just received. Or look…
The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
by Bill Walz “The collective egoic mind is the most dangerously insane and destructive entity ever to inhabit this planet. What do you think will happen on this planet if…
by Bill Walz “Forgive them; they know not what they do.” ~ Jesus There is a story about the Dalai Lama in which he is asked whether he hates the…
Creative Swimming
Where Do You Get Your Ideas? by Greg Vineyard Every now and then, we dip our toes into some career-path pool or other to test the waters, and perhaps dive…
Spinning Discs October 2013
by James Cassara The first hints of fall and the shortening of days seems to bring with it more evening time for music listening. Thus I am back again with…
All Diabetes is Not Created Equal
by Max Hammonds, MD Type I diabetes and Type II diabetes are not the same disease. Both are caused by an imbalance between the glucose in the blood and the…
Greedy & Trendy
by Peter Loewer The weather of late had been rainy, windy, and generally unseasonable, especially for a touristy area like that which surrounded the The General Store. Days remained hot…
The Poets Voice: October 2013
by Carol Pearce Bjorlie, Rapid River Poetry Editor/Columnist Nesting Dolls Oksana, my Russian daughter-in-law gave me a set of nesting dolls last Christmas. There are five of them. They nestle…
by Bill Walz “The way to practice true Zen is… just open yourself and give up everything… This is what it means to surrender… Without losing yourself by sticking to…