Spread the word: Peace by Carol Pearce Bjorlie, Rapid River Magazine Poetry Editor/Columnist – My new mantra, less is enough, consumes my world. My poetry has become “succinct.” Restore and Goodwill’s shelves are full of my burger belongings. I give away books. (Free libraries rejoice). Less IS enough. Consider aContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD – May 31 is World No Tobacco Day – which will have a variable impact, depending on which part of the world one lives in. In the United States, the number of smokers has remained steady at about 20% of the population. But this number isContinue Reading

by Bill Walz – “The meaning of freedom can never be grasped by the divided mind. If I feel separate from my experience, and from the world, freedom will seem to be the extent to which I can push the world around, and fate the extent to which the worldContinue Reading

Inspiration is a Smorgasbord by Greg Vineyard – I awoke recently to the oddly rhythmic sounds of Brooklyn, NY coming to life in a slowly-rising crescendo: the J Train rattling across the Williamsburg Bridge, cars whooshing below on the street, a nearby construction crew getting machines going, all intermingled withContinue Reading

by James Cassara – I’m back again, focusing on newer under the radar releases and, in an effort to catch up, keeping each review as brief as possible. If it gets a mention here it’s worth your time. Life’s too short to spend on meaningless music! The Westies Six onContinue Reading

APRIL by Carol Pearce Bjorlie, Rapid River Magazine Poetry Editor/Columnist – This is National Poetry Month! (About time.) Poetry is a genre Latinos have excelled in. Think Lorca, Neruda, Paz, Gabriela Mistral, William Carlos Williams, Carmen Tafolla, Juan Felipe Herrera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Victor Hernandez Cruz. Claribel Alegria, a majorContinue Reading

by Peter Loewer – April Fool’s Day was just a week away. Many of the permanent members of the citizenry that used the general store as their headquarters for discovering what the society of the back woods had recently come up with, were meeting at the back of the store,Continue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD – What’s with the nuts? Why are they so popular? Aren’t they high in fat – which isn’t good for you, right? In 1993, a landmark study demonstrated that the “frequent consumption of nuts in the diet was associated with a reduced risk of ischemic heartContinue Reading

by Bill Walz – “Belief, as I use the word here, is the insistence that the truth is what one would “lief” or wish it to be. The believer will open his mind to the truth on condition that it fits in with his preconceived ideas and wishes. Faith, onContinue Reading