by Max Hammonds, MD More than 2.5 million Americans die every year. Most people would like to avoid being in that group and live a long, healthy life, but aren’t…
Curmudgeon Meets the Black Weekend
by Peter Loewer Curmudgeon came in the general store on the Saturday afternoon of the Black Friday weekend. His hair was slightly mussed and his demeanor seemed to be even…
CD Reviews – November 2012
Back again with an assortment of music I’ve been enjoying and suspect you will too. Be it given two stars or five, everything covered here offers something for someone. Be…
Musings Upon Creativity & Other Things
Amidst the River Arts District’s Studio Stroll by Greg Vineyard 170-plus artists across twenty-two historic buildings down by the French Broad River open their doors collectively to welcome thousands of…
Healing Through Gratitude
by Bill Walz “Life is filled with many wonders, like the blue sky, the sunshine, the eyes of a baby… Awareness of the precious elements of happiness is itself the…
A Non-Dualistic Political Paradigm
by Bill Walz “Our world and our lives have become increasingly interdependent, so when our neighbor is harmed, it affects us too. Therefore we have to abandon outdated notions of…
Interview with Leo Monahan
Color and Concept by Greg Vineyard Concept is EVERYTHING!” Leo Monahan exclaimed during our recent conversation. I had the distinct pleasure of hearing these words directly from the man himself…
Spinning Discs October 2012
by James Cassara As fall beckons we are greeted with a number of new and interesting releases. Don’t forget that given two stars or five, everything covered here offers something…
Sleep Apnea
by Max Hammonds, MD “Yeah, I snore a lot. Champion snorer in my family. So what’s the big deal?” Apnea means “without breath.” If apnea continues for four minutes, you…