by James Cassara Welcome back to another go around at sharing some of my favorite recent discs. Among this month’s “something for everyone” offerings are a long forgotten live album…
Know Your Risks
by Max Hammonds, MD What disease condition is your greatest risk for disability or death? Is it heart disease? Cancer? Stroke? Pneumonia? Not surprisingly, it isn’t the same for everyone….
The Curmudgeon Looks at Food
by Peter Loewer Storekeep, Cityfella, Mrs. Storekeep, and the Curmudgeon were standing about the new cigarette display left on the counter by a gum-chewing tobacco salesman and talked about an…
Personal Peace
by Bill Walz “Everything is as it can be.” ~ Alan Watts, philosopher/theologian Eckhart Tolle advises us “our suffering is in our resistance to what is.” The “what is” of…
Appreciating The Path
An Inspiring Visit with Artist Daniel McClendon by Greg Vineyard You know when you have an elusive, yet ever-present idea in your brain, waiting for that big bang where it…
Spinning Discs – March 2012
by James Cassara It’s been a relatively slow month for new releases so let’s delve into a couple of welcome reissues, a long overdue boxed set, and a new album…
The Curmudgeon and the Sweepstakes
by Peter Loewer The Curmudgeon has a facetious look about his visage,” said Cityfella to Mrs. Storekeep as he waited for the morning mail to be sorted with the deft…
Book Reviews February 2012