The Curmudgeon and TV
by Peter Loewer The Curmudgeon fell upon hard times down at the General Store. Folks had taken most of his pronouncements — albeit with the traditional grain of organic salt…
The Wheel of Karma
“As the blazing fire reduces wood to ashes, similarly, the fire of self-knowledge reduces all Karma to ashes.” ~ Bhagavad-Gita As important as this is to realize, I would like…
The Bristol Sessions
A Memorable Marriage of Tradition and Technology “The Storms Are on the Ocean” Verse: I’m a-going away for to leave you love I’m a-going away for a while, But I’ll…
Not-So-Random, Fizzy Thoughts for February
by Michael Parker Dom Catawba Just another Wednesday night in January it was, after a long meeting planning the 2012 Asheville Mardi Gras. I needed a drink. “Need” is a…
What’s in Your New Year?
by Max Hammonds, MD New Year’s Eve has come and gone. So have many of the New Year’s resolutions that many people have made, like not texting while driving, taking…
Spinning Discs February 2012
by James Cassara At the time I write this 2012 is not yet a month old and we’ve already been blessed with many a fine new release. This month is…
Valentine’s Day Musings
from the Sci-Fi Loving Shut-In May our cups runneth over with love by Greg Vineyard Ah, the day of Love. And this year it falls on a Tuesday — how…
Restaurants & Wine January 2012
Random Thoughts About Wine by Michael Parker Goody Two-Shoes We won’t be needing this,” she said with a large measure of smugness as she held the wine list under my…