From Klutzy to Keenly-Aware by Greg Vineyard – Many things we encounter on the Internet simply aren’t true (say it isn’t so!), but I recently saw a photo joking about…
Spinning Discs September 2015
by James Cassara – Summer is quickly fading, the kids are back in school, and I’m still spinning discs and sharing my thoughts. Thanks for allowing me to do so…
The Poets Voice: September 2015
The Last Word by Carol Pearce Bjorlie, Rapid River Magazine Poetry Editor/Columnist – “Poetry is a spell against death.” ~ Richard Eberhart A poet’s job is to be brave and…
How Long Will You Live?
by Max Hammonds, MD – What is the strongest predictor of who will live a long and healthy life? Is it exercise? Is it eating a plant-based diet? Is it…
by Bill Walz – “Obstacles do not block the path, obstacles are the path.” ~ Zen saying When the term “obstacles” is used conventionally, we tend to think of problems…
Haywood Community College
A View Into HCC’s Creative Arts Program, Part II by Greg Vineyard – In July’s issue, we started a conversation with Kari Rinn, Director of Creative Arts at Haywood Community…
Spinning Discs August 2015
by James Cassara Yet again there’s no shortage of new music this month, with an amazing variety of stuff out there. Enjoy the comments and be sure to support our…
Great Compassion
by Bill Walz “For those of you who want to attain enlightenment, do not study many teachings. Only study one. What is it? It is great compassion. Whoever has great…
The Truth About Fish in Your Diet
by Max Hammonds, MD True or False: Deep water ocean fish – oily fish – are higher in omega-3 fatty acids which lower LDL cholesterol – the bad cholesterol. Eating…