HART presents Arthur Miller’s Classic Drama ALL MY SONS Beginning August 5 HART’s next production is a special one for Executive Director Steve Lloyd. The show has been on his…
A Rash of Stories
A Rash of Stories – A benefit performance to raise funds for the Haywood Street Congregation’s Downtown Table, Next at NC Stage A Rash of Stories, adapted from Ron…
‘A Lee Smith Patchwork’ a one-woman show
Appalachian Summer Theater Series at UNC Asheville’s OLLI to Premiere Barbara Bates Smith’s One-Woman Show, Aug. 7 The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UNC Asheville will present the premiere…
“Jesus Christ Superstar” at HART, July 8 – 31
There are few productions as iconic as HART’s next offering, the original Rock Opera, “Jesus Christ Superstar.” For years patrons have requested the show but the cast requirements have…