Written by Phil Okrend – An interesting phenomenon took place during the time of the devastating Asian Tsunami of 2005. Prior to the waves hitting, wild and domestic animals fled to safety and were spared. How interesting that the animals seemed to have been able to sense that an environmental shift was taking place and instinctively knew what to do. However, when we think that animals and the natural world have always been a part of each other, not separate, is it really so unusual? The natural world is always changing, always in flux. There is a natural rhythm evidenced by the changing seasons, changing wind directions, changing currents. Bears hibernate in winter and awake in spring. The list goes on and on.
As human beings, how are we aware when our own course needs to change, when we need to pursue a new course of action in our career, a relationship, a physical move, whatever that change may be. Many people resist change and cling to what they believe worked for them in the past. But when the season is ripe for change (i.e, the work is no longer fulfilling, our energy is on the wane) and we do not respond in kind, that is when negativity and stagnation seep in and keep us from reaching our full potential and life purpose.
Here are some principles to keep in mind to help you listen to the changes that are calling you in your life:
Change is Natural-It is a part of life and if we learn to adapt and flow rather than resist and struggle against it, we will thrive.
Change is a Process-The journey of change is more of a process than a single event. In that way it is similar to the seasons. Winter, Spring and Summer last for several months each, and there are subtle changes in each one before a new season begins. The seasons can’t be rushed and they happen within their own natural rhythm.
Change Happens in the Unknown-When we enter a season of change, we have to release the stories of the past, because they will not help us find a new compelling direction. In the unknown, intuition, what you sense, what you are drawn to will be your guides. We are all blessed with the same intuitive guidance that those animals who survived the Tsunami had. In our modern age, we humans have just become more distanced from our instinctive knowing. That knowing is still there. We just need to listen and trust. We will know what to do.
The following passage is from our book, Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth. The passage calls on you to listen to your inner wisdom:
Listen to the calm, inner voice inside. It has all the wisdom you will ever need.

Phil Okrend, Certified Life and Business Coach, transitioned from being an attorney, to the life of a creative entrepreneur, writer, speaker and musician. Phil is the author of the new coffee table book Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth which pairs his mindful poetic writings with the art of his wife, Asheville based pastel artist Elise Okrend. Phil and Elise Okrend will be presenting a workshop, Journey to Healing and Empowerment Through Art and Words at the Om Sanctuary in Asheville on Valentines’s Day, Saturday, February 14th and on Saturday, March 7th. Read more and register at the Om Sanctuary Web Site.
www.messagestotheheart.com and www.steppingstonescoaching.com