Do We Need a New Story?

Non-Fiction Short Stories

Do We Need a New Story?

Written by Phil Okrend – Do we need a new story for the world at this time? The world seems to be at a tipping point with terrorism and the fight against it gaining headlines. If we react with more and more war, with greater violence, with more defensiveness, how does that define us as a people? Were we meant to live in fear, with suspicion of one another, or is there another way?

The painting and passage below, from our book, Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth depicts a sacred city, Tzvat in Israel, the birthplace of the mystic study of Kabbalah. This region of the world, The Middle East and the land of Israel, represents a paradox. On one hand, the teachings of peace, compassion, miracles, the connection to the divine, spring from this land. The religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam all have origins here. At the same time it is a land and region reeling in turmoil and conflict, too often marked by violence. This duality, this paradox, shows that both love and hatred can exist in the same land.

Here is our choice: Do we want to continue to allow the divisions, the separations, the fears to rule us, to cause us to react to each other with judgment, suspicion, hatred? Or do we want to pursue a way of peace, of unity, seeing that we are one? I believe that most of us want the same things – happiness, peace, dignity, reverence for life.

The passage and the art call on us to walk through a doorway. They call for us to see another way to live and be with each other. It is through knowing that our old ways are not working, that we can choose again. Even if it means stepping out into the unknown, even if it means letting go. The darkness can either move us to more darkness, or it can allow us to see the light that shines more brightly in contrast. Let us choose the light.

Elise Okrend - The Old City




Passage on Unity, Oneness from Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth




Imagine a new story: Instead of consumerism-humanism, Instead of greed-giving, Instead of competition-cooperation, Instead of conflict-coexistence, Instead of fear-love, Instead of sleeping-awakening, Instead of control-surrender, Instead of holding tightly-letting go, Instead of feeling alone-feeling that we are one. The truth is that this story has begun. Let it live into our consciousness.


Phil Okrend, Certified Life and Business Coach, transitioned from being an attorney, to the life of a creative entrepreneur, writer, speaker and musician. Phil is the author of the coffee table book Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth which pairs his mindful poetic writings with the art of his wife, Asheville based pastel artist Elise Okrend.

Elise and Phil Okrend,

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