Fearless Spontaneity


Fearless Spontaneity

Jonas Gerard’s work can been seen in two beautiful galleries in the heart of Asheville’s River Arts District.
Jonas Gerard’s work can been seen in two beautiful galleries in the heart of Asheville’s River Arts District.

“Trusting the intuition” …a captivating experience.

As Spring alights on the mountains of Western North Carolina, the energy is transforming at Jonas Gerard Fine Art Galleries. With the opening of the gallery at Riverview Station, Jonas’ work can now be seen in two beautiful galleries located in the heart of Asheville’s River Arts District. Both galleries are filled with conscious colorful expressions of a world filled with love, gratitude and fearless spontaneity.

Come to Jonas’ next live painting performance on Saturday, April 11, 2015.

While rhythmic music plays in the background, Jonas becomes completely absorbed in expressing what is in his heart with a gestural painting style that appears almost as a spontaneously choreographed dance. To the viewer, it may seem that the painting is done by the music itself while the artist is simply holding the brush. However, the years of dedication to this trust allows an artistic integrity to flow through his work.

“For me painting is an intense compulsion motivated by the process itself, allowing me to become more comfortable with uncertainty and unpredictability. Painting fast and spontaneously has been extremely beneficial, allowing my mind to be quiet and relinquishing my attachment to any imagined result. This process welcomes the creative energy of the universe to come through with enthralling rhythms and patterns that connects us all.”

Another great opportunity to see the art spontaneously evolve will be at the River Arts District Studio Stroll on May 9 & 10. Throughout the weekend the public can watch Jonas paint a giant mural that will be permanently installed on the outside of the Riverview Station Building.

Free painting performances are held the second Saturday of every month.

If You Go: Live Painting Performance Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 2 p.m. in the Riverview Station Gallery at 191 Lyman St., Asheville.

River Arts District Studio Stroll, May 9 & 10, 2015. Jonas Gerard will be painting a large mural at the Riverview Station gallery all weekend.

Jonas Gerard Fine Art
Two galleries open seven days a week from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

  • Asheville’s River Arts District, 240 Clingman Ave., Asheville
  • Riverview Station Building , 191 Lyman St. #144, Asheville

(828) 350-7711

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