Five Great Tips To Taking Care Of Your Yard when spring comes

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Five Great Tips To Taking Care Of Your Yard when spring comes

Your yard can make or break the appearance of your premises. A poorly kept yard is a hub for parasites and insects to form a habitat and this creates an unhealthy environment that is not conducive for the people dwelling within the compound.

A well-maintained yard, on the other hand, creates a beautiful scenery and makes your premises an element of admiration by the neighbors. You need to keep your yard in check.

To help you do this, here are 5 tips to taking care of your yard:


  1.    Deal With Weeds

The lawn in your yard will at some point in time be infested with weeds. When broadleaf weeds such as dandelions start growing in your lawn, it’s a high time you start thinking about weeding them off.


Weeds absorb a lot of energy during the fall season. They tend to absorb everything they interact with including weed killers and that’s a solution right there. Apply an herbicide on them and the weeds will be gone in no time. It is advisable that you use the herbicide at the start of autumn when temperatures are above 60°F.


  1.    Fill Out The Bald Spots

If there are some bald spots in your yard lawn, you can consider filling them out during the autumn season. The simplest method to do this is by using a lawn repair mixture which you can easily get at your local garden shops. This lawn repair mixture contains organic mulch, a quick starter lawn fertilizer, and grass seed.


You can use a garden rake to loosen the soil on the bald spots then take a thick layer of the repair mixture and spread it over the bald spot.  Squeeze the mixture lightly and then water it. Watering should be done continuously for two weeks until the bald spot is covered up.


  1.    Repair Your Yard Walkways

The winter season greatly affects the walkways and pavements in your yard. A snow blower and the frost heave tend to damage the concrete. This causes water to pile up in your yard. To keep your yard in good shape, ensure that you seal any gaps in the concrete using a concrete-crack filler.


  1.    Aerate The Soil

You can take advantage of the autumn season to aerate the lawn in your yard and allow easy penetration of water, oxygen, and fertilizer down to the grass’ roots. You can do this through the use of a walk behind gas-powered lawn aerator. You can rent it out if you don’t already have it.


This machine works by punching holes in the soil and removes plugs of dirt. If you have a very large yard measuring over 3 acres, you can hire the services of a landscaping contractor to do the aerating for you.


  1.    Clear The Leaves And Debris

A lot of leaves will shed off from the trees in your yard during the fall season and they’ll end up forming a large swath of debris which will, in turn, hinder the sun rays from penetrating into your lawn. This will derail the grass from sprouting as it should.


A solution to this will be to clear the leaves. A simple, fast, and effective way to do this is to use a leaf blower. There are many types of leaf blowers available for use. If you need to get one, here is our recommendation of the best cordless blower you can buy.


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