Authenticity – May 2015

Healthy Good Thoughts

Authenticity – May 2015

By Kathleen Colburn –

I’ve been thinking about authenticity.

To live an authentic life I believe, as many do, that we need to identify less with the ego and more with the heart. Living truthfully and honestly allows us to also live with ease. Living with ease allows us a less stressful, more healthful life, yes? From this place we can explore different aspects of ourselves and choose to make changes that please our hearts rather than changing to conform to others.

“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.”  ~ Eckhart Tolle

Taking the time to feel what’s right and what’s real is a practice. We practice meditation in part as a tool to discovering what feels right to us. We are drawn to those who look at life in similar ways and practicing and exploring together helps us to discover more of what is real to us.

Today, right where you are, right now, you have the opportunity to practice being who you really are.

Think good thoughts!

Kathleen Colburn is a whole foods personal chef with over 30 years of experience. She is Rapid River Magazine’s Short Stories editor and a freelance editor available for a variety of literary projects. She can be reached by email:

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