Hofman Studios holds Annual Winter Sale 


Hofman Studios holds Annual Winter Sale 

Annual Winter Sale • 111 Roberts Street – 10 – 4pm

 Once a year Hofman Studios has a sale. This always occurs on the first Saturday of February. Our doors open at 10am to showcase a select number of items, most of which are two thirds off the original price. We are cleaning house and making way for new work! These pieces could be experimental designs, test glazes, or have slight flaws. 

Our experience, from years past, is that some people come early to get a good spot in line. Phil DeAngelo’s Studio, my next door neighbors, will open at 9am to accommodate the early birds.

The sale runs throughout the day however, most of the pieces are gone within the first hour or so.

Hofman Studios’ Annual Winter Sale

February 2, 2019  10am to 4pm

111 Roberts Street, Asheville NC 28801


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