Holiday Gift Market and Mixed Media Show at the Red House


Holiday Gift Market and Mixed Media Show at the Red House

Encaustic art by  Michelle Hamilton
Encaustic art by Michelle Hamilton

The Red House Studios & Gallery in Black Mountain is presenting a Holiday Gift Market and a mixed media show beginning Saturday, November 1, 2014.

The market will feature artist made gifts that include photography by Ray Mata; turned wood by David Kaylor; fiber art by Lyn Krauss and Judy Kaufman; jewelry by Sylvia McCollum, Alan Kaufman, and Kathleen Cantwell; handmade journals and tin shadow boxes by Jane Reeves; altered art bottles by Karen Paquette; clay ornaments, tiles, wall pieces, and vases by Erin Campbell and Cathy Babula; small art prints, cards and original works by Barbara Frohmader, Meryl Meyer, Helen Sullivan, Denise Geiger, Eileen Ross, Patricia Michael, Nancy Clausen, Judith Williams, Martha Raines, Susan Shaw, Marianne Reninger, Ann Whisenant, and Pat Cotterill.

“There will be many more items, all priced from $10 to $100 ,and our inventory will be replaced through December as popular items sell. This is a great way for people to buy local, unique gifts directly from artists,” says Ray Mata, coordinator of the market.

“Dimensions of Mixed Media” will also open Saturday, November 1, with a reception for the artists on Friday, November 7 from 5-7 p.m. Works will include creations using two or more distinct mediums in one integrated piece of art. This can allow for great versatility and a rich viewer experience as the eye uncovers the multiple layers and dimensionality that often characterizes mixed media art. This character of mixed media contributes to its popularity within the contemporary art world, as it can blend well with “conceptual” visual formulation.

“Viewers will see art that uses combinations of painting, encaustic, cold wax, collage, assemblage, paper, textiles, found objects, metals, clay, fiber, wood and more,” says curator Karen Paquette. Both shows will run through January 5, 2015.

If You Go: Holiday Gift Market and mixed media show. Opening reception Friday, November 7, 2014 from 5-7 p.m. The Red House is located at 310 West State Street. Gallery hours for November – December are Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information go to or call (828) 669-0351.

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