Hub City Empty Bowls First Bowl-Making Session June 16 1-3pm

Art Events

Hub City Empty Bowls First Bowl-Making Session June 16 1-3pm

To benefit Hub City Empty Bowls, a nonprofit grassroots agency that raises money to feed the needy in Spartanburg, Carolina Clay Artists will host a free pottery bowl-making session Saturday, June 16, Spartanburg Art Museum at Chapman Cultural Center, 10-noon and 1-3pm. The general public is invited to make hand-shaped pottery bowls. All clay, studio space, and instruction will be free. Prior experience in pottery-making is not required for this family-friendly event. Later, the bowls will be painted, glazed, and fired by professional potters.

On Soup Day, Sept. 29, the finished bowls will be available to the public for $20 donations each. There will be several hundred bowls of every imaginable color, shape, and style. In addition, patrons will enjoy gourmet soups donated by local restaurants, live music, and fellowship. All proceeds will be given to TOTAL Ministries, a local faith-based agency that helps Spartanburg citizens in dire financial straits and who are “food insecure,” which is defined as not knowing if you will have your next meal. This is Hub City Empty Bowls’s 10-year anniversary. For more information, please visit online


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