In This Month’s Issue: March 2012
Rapid River Magazine’s 2012 Poetry Contest Winners –>
A Dream of Camelot (pg. 2)
Danny Ellis (pg. 3)
Keigwin + Company (pg. 4)
Brahms’ First Symphony (pg. 6)
Diavolo Dance Theater (pg. 7)
Asheville Symphony (pg. 15)
Christopher O’Riley (pg. 20)
Sagapool (pg. 21)Music
Amici Music (pg. 6)
The Gourds (pg. 9)
Jonathan Scales Fourchestra (pg. 10)
Night of the Blues (pg. 10)Movie Reviews
Chip Kaufmann & Michele Keenan (pg. 11)
Fine Art
The Folk Art Center (pg. 17)
{Re}Happening 2012 (pg. 18)
John MacKah Spring Schedule (pg. 38)Interviews
Carol Branton Morrow (pg. 19)
Steven Eudy (pg. 37)Stage Preview
LYLAS (pg. 22)
NC Stage – Love Child (pg. 22)Shops
Dining Out for Life (pg. 24)
Vanuato Kava (pg. 26)Columnists: James Cassara – Music (pg. 8), Eddie LeShure – Jazz 10), Greg Vineyard – Fine Art (pg. 16), Ted Olson – Poetry (pg. 28), Marcianne Miller – Books (pg. 29), Judy Ausley – Southern Comfort 30), Bill Walz – Artful Living (pg. 31), Max Hammonds, MD – Health (pg. 31), Peter Loewer – The Curmudgeon (pg. 33).