The Music of Words — October 2018 by Carol Bjorlie “The Poet behind the cello”
I don’t know which I love more: words or music. I have played the ‘cello since I was 10 years old. A LONG time. I write poetry about music. I…
A Magazine covering Western North Carolina and the Asheville NC Art Scene
I don’t know which I love more: words or music. I have played the ‘cello since I was 10 years old. A LONG time. I write poetry about music. I…
Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Nullam cursus lacinia erat. Aenean imperdiet. Nullam quis ante. Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Duis leo. Praesent egestas…
by Bill Walz “Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By love alone is hatred appeased” – Buddha We live in deeply troubled times. America seems to be…
Instabilis lapidosos colebat animus pendebat galeae otia. Zephyro ne solum dei quarum ante gravitate. Membra levius sole. Terra origo. Verba regat poena dicere melior permisit. Caeli cuncta satus iapeto montibus…
Alfred A. Knopf is pleased to publish BRIDGE OF CLAY (On sale October 9, 2018 / $26.00), a novel 13 years in the writing from beloved international bestselling author Markus…
This post test nested and paginated comments. Proin pretium, leo ac pellentesque mollis, felis nunc ultrices eros, sed gravida augue augue mollis justo. Vestibulum eu odio. Vestibulum dapibus nunc ac…
by Anne Diorelle Dogs, just like humans have the need to be taken care of. After all, they are our most trusted companions. Owning a dog can seem so exciting…
Along with the entrance of the BER months is also the start of the rainy season. And it is in this time of the year where typhoons and hurricanes threaten…
Automatically embed your tweets and videos from sites like Youtube and WordPress simply by inserting the site URL. Available all across WordPress. Really cool to read through and find so…