Figurative Art Inspired by Children’s Literature
“GoFigure,” a local group of art doll artists, and Pack Memorial Library join together to celebrate National Reading Month, the birthday of author Dr. Seuss, and “Read Across America” with their third annual “Storybook Characters on Parade” event and exhibit.
Local doll artists have created original figurative art based on characters from children’s literature. Pack Memorial Library will showcase the Storybook Characters exhibit during the month of April. The exhibit will be housed in the children’s department of the library.
GoFigure will kick off the event by visiting local schools during March 2015. Visits by artists are free of charge. Artists will bring their newly created storybook characters and the books that inspired their work to each school visit. This event unlocks the magical world of a child’s imagination through reading, writing and the visual arts.
GoFigure Storybook Exhibit, on display through April 2015 at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood Street, downtown Asheville.