Tomorrow I’ll Start Writing

Fiction Short Stories

Tomorrow I’ll Start Writing

Written by Tom Davis – Tomorrow I’m going to start writing—seriously writing. For years now, I’ve always wanted to. My husband and I have talked about it. He swears I’ll be great. I’m an avid reader, articulate, and can turn a phrase better than most. I have important things to say, deep feelings to express, insightful opinions to state, and theories to expound.

Soon I’ll realize every writer’s elusive dream, The Great American Novel. Margaret Mitchell’s book will pale into insignificance when I finish.

My poetry will take the heart, tickle the soul, test the mind, tantalize the apathetic, teach the student, tease the child, thunder across time, and transcend the bounds of indifference and misunderstanding.

Even the harshest critics will acclaim my plays as brilliant. They will dub me the Shakespeare of the 90’s. My characters will become legends and live forever through future generations’s reflections.

My short stories will be thought-provoking. Great university professors will dissect and feed them to their students’ hungry minds.

My professional articles will educate the most noted in the field. They will be amazed at my clarity of thought and the ease with which I assimilate a body of facts and produce the inevitable conclusion eluding them.

Tomorrow I’ll start writing; but for now, I’m too tired and think I’ll take a nap. It’s been a long hard day. And I’m glad to see it end.

“ATTENTION. DOCTOR FEINSTEIN. Code blue room 410. Repeat…code blue room 410.”

“Doctor, her vitals were normal a moment ago. I—”

“It’s okay nurse; give me a hand.”

“Is she….”

“I’m afraid so.”


TOM DAVIS’ publishing credits include Poets Forum, The Carolina Runner, Triathlon Today, Georgia Athlete, Proud to Be: Writings by American Warriors Vol. 3, A Loving Voice Vol. I and II, Special Warfare., and Winston-Salem Writers’ POETRY IN PLAIN SIGHT program for May 2013 (poetry month). He’s authored the following books: The Life and Times of Rip Jackson, The Most Fun I Ever Had With My Clothes On, The Patrol Order; and The R-complex. Tom lives in Webster, NC.

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