Top three Ways to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey


Top three Ways to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

Do you feel like turning over a new leaf and getting over your smoking habits? Quitting cold turkey means giving up smoking all at once – without treatment or the aid of other nicotine alternatives. It may seem like a challenging task, but it has been proven to be the most effective and successful method to quit smoking. Quitting in this manner is beneficial as it induces less suffering and creates a shorter withdrawal period.

Wondering why it is not a very popular way to quit smoking? For one, it isn’t easy to convince yourself to let go of an addiction. Nicotine is a drug, and like all drugs, your ability to control your impulses depends on your will power, which is made weaker due to your addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms can be very uncomfortable during this time, but you should keep in mind that these symptoms are temporary and the longer you stay away from nicotine, the easier it will get.

The Top 3 Effective Ways to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

You need to take a look at solutions like to know how you can quit smoking. Here are a few other ways to help you through the process:

1. Know Your Triggers

Identifying the triggers is the first important step to quit. By avoiding these triggers, you will make it easier on yourself to not be tempted to have that one cigarette.

Think about the times when you usually smoke or the events that lead to you smoking and make a list. You can also include the reasons why quitting is beneficial for you. Keep this list with you at all times and when you feel the urge to smoke, just refer back to this sheet and help keep your mind strong.

You can also plan ahead and think of some distractions for when you are most likely to get a strong urge to smoke. For example, if you tend to smoke after dinner you could distract yourself by going for a walk. By denying your habits, you can steel yourself from the desire to smoke.

2. Set a Quit Date

Think of a date in the future when you plan to quit smoking. This should ideally be a few weeks from now, during a time where you have fewer things to do on your agenda.

Stress is one of the reasons why many people smoke, and it is a big trigger. Plan around times when you are free from stress-inducing events like job interviews and final exams. This way you are less inclined to be tempted to have a cigarette.

3. Get Help from your Loved Ones

Doing this alone can be a very daunting task, but the people close to you will most likely be thrilled that you plan on quitting and will be eager to help you out. Give them a copy of your list so that they are informed of your triggers and come up with ways together on how they can help distract you. This way, even if the urge is so strong that you are not able to control yourself, you can always turn to someone else to help get you through it.

Quitting cold turkey is not the easiest method, but once you get through the initial few weeks, you will feel much better overall and lower your risk of heart and lung diseases. With some willpower and determination, you can overcome this addiction. Steel your mind and start to quit smoking today!

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