Three days of plein air oil painting with eminent landscape painter and artist, John Mac Kah on location at Addison Farms Vineyard in Leicester.
Demo and painting instruction Friday through Sunday, May 1-3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The day begins with an introduction and review of materials and methods. Detailed daily discussion; one-on-one instruction. Group critique at closing, followed by wine tasting.
All levels welcome. We can outfit and provide beginners with easel and supplies for an additional fee. Experienced painters? We will send you a materials list once you register so you are ready to go.
Workshop includes a catered lunch from Corner Kitchen Catering in Asheville. Workshop students will receive a special discount for purchases from Addison Vineyard.
Addison Farms Vineyard is a family-owned vineyard and winery situated in Leicester, NC approximately 17 miles northwest of Asheville. The property has been in the family for four generations, purchased by Addison Farmer and his parents in 1937.
To learn more about Addison Farms Vineyard accommodations and their wine, visit addisonfarms.net
Workshop sponsored by: M.Graham Paints, West Lynn, OR; The Starving Artist, Hendersonville, NC; Blackbird Art & Frame, Asheville, NC.
If You Go: Vineyard Plein Air workshop with John Mac Kah, Friday through Sunday, May 1-3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Register online at www.JohnMacKah.com or call/text (828) 225-5000 to sign up by phone or mail.

and winery situated in Leicester, NC
Addison Farms Vineyard Barrel Tasting
Addison Farms Vineyard, our local winery in Northwest Asheville, has a fun and varied 2015 event season lined up.
They are working with local bands, artists and entertainers to create an exciting season at the vineyard, and Corner Kitchen Catering will be offering delicious picnic lunches at many of the events.
April will begin with their first Barrel Tasting. In May, local artist John Mac Kah will be offering a three-day painting workshop at the vineyard. Get the season started with a Spring Bud Break Party on Saturday, May 16, 2015. Additional details and tickets are available at addisonfarms.net.
If You Go: Barrel Tasting at Addison Farms Vineyard, Saturday, April 11, 2015. A private tour, tastings of not yet released wines and current releases, and your choice of picnic lunch. Reserve your tickets at addisonfarms.net