Why Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a great form of self-defense training


Why Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a great form of self-defense training

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is widely recognized around the globe. It is not only used as a means of self-defense but also in a sports format. Whether you are looking to sign up for Jiu-Jitsu for actual combat or to help boost your health, it can help in different ways. Also, you can view site and request more information about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In the meantime, read on to see why it is a great form of defense training.

Keeps You Calm When Under Pressure

Being under pressure can be overwhelming, and a lot of people don’t know how to act right when in such situations. As opposed to someone who’s fully trained, an average person can fold if put in a dangerous situation. With BJJ, you can be able to safely get out of tricky situations by calmly handling them. 

Your Jiu-Jitsu trainer will subject you to bad positions and train you how to get yourself out of them. While you might feel intimidated by other seasoned trainees, being put in hard situations will help you tackle real-life instances that might be life-threatening for you.

You Can Tackle Bigger Opponents

There is nothing as helpless as being attacked by someone who is bigger and stronger than you are. The worst part is being in that position and not being able to do anything about it, or not knowing what you should do. For many years now, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has proven to be effective when it comes to tackling bigger opponents. You are more confident and know exactly what to do to neutralize the situation.

Helps Boost Your Strength and Conditioning

While being knowledgeable about defense is crucial, it is equally important to be physically fit should a bad situation get violent. Hence, it is also an important aspect of self-defense that you cannot overlook. 

This is because knowing tackling techniques is not just enough to get yourself out of a tricky situation. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu combines both strength and conditioning as well as defense. You grow to become strong, fast, and ready for any situation where you are forced to be all those things.

You Learn to Control Opponents Without Strikes

While knocking out your opponent by a single punch looks effective, it also has its downside. You will probably break your hand punching them. In fact, if you choose to exchange blows with your opponent, chances are that they are going to hurt you. But on the brighter side, knowing how to defend yourself through a self-defense art such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can go a long way to help make the situation more favorable for you. 

An easy trick such as getting your opponent to the ground can save you from getting hurt. You can further hold them down using special BJJ techniques without necessarily striking. In that position, they are less likely to hurt you by throwing any punches.

The above are some of the reasons why you should take BJJ for self-defense. The best part is that the art is for both males and females. Also, if you don’t plan to take it, you can sign your children up for classes.

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