The WNC Green Building Council is relaunching its Appalachian Offsets program this fall to reduce climate changing emissions by funding energy efficiency upgrades for local nonprofit organization facilities.
Back by popular demand thanks to the help of two grants, this voluntary carbon offset program offers businesses, organizations, and individuals the option to easily reduce or offset their carbon footprint.
“The scientific consensus is in. Climate change is happening and is greatly influenced by the burning of fossil fuels,” said Sam Ruark-Eastes, executive director of the WNC Green Building Council. “The way we operate our businesses and live our lives—from the food we eat to the things we buy and cars we drive—emit vast amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.”
The average person in the United States was responsible for 18 tons of carbon dioxide in one year, nearly four times the global average of 4.6 tons, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report in 2011, the latest year of data. Since then, the world has witnessed the undeniable effects of climate change, with July 2016 marking not only the hottest month on record but also the 15th consecutive month of record breaking temperatures, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
“Appalachian Offsets was set up to address this pressing issue,” Ruark-Eastes said. “The program encourages all of us to reduce our carbon emissions first, then pay into a fund that collectively helps others do the same.”
Through Appalachian Offsets, supporters can offset their emissions by paying into a community fund that helps make energy energy efficiency improvements within local nonprofits, schools and low income housing. By applying the concept of carbon offsetting regionally in Western North Carolina, Appalachian Offsets aims to reduce the global impact of climate change on a local level by funding projects such as upgrading inefficient lighting and supporting clean energy within area organizations.
Appalachian Offsets’ website, www.cutmycarbon.org , offers a carbon calculator where businesses and individuals can determine their footprint and learn more about the projects that will be supported by the offsets they purchase.
Initially launched in 2005, Appalachian Offsets completed four energy-efficiency retrofits for local nonprofits in the following two years. The most successful project happened in late 2007, when UNC Asheville students volunteered with the Asheville Housing Authority (AHA) to switch out 13,000 inefficient incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorescent lightbulbs. This retrofit saved the AHA and its residents more than $250,000 per year and collectively reduced carbon emissions by more than 3,790 tons annually.
Interest in the program waned with the onset of the 2008 recession, as building projects were delayed or cancelled and businesses lacked the resources to offset their emissions. However, today, environmental stewardship and the economy are once again growing in WNC.
In a 2016 survey of the WNC Green Building Council’s membership, 70 percent of respondents requested Appalachian Offsets be brought back as a low-cost and community-enhancing pathway to cut emissions.
“Appalachian Offsets is the bridge that matches companies and individuals looking to offset their emissions with organizations who need support cutting energy costs and upgrading their facilities,” Ruark-Eastes said.
“As we revive this program, several changes will be enacted to make the program more transparent and connective,” he said. “The previous program did a great job of engaging nonprofits and community members to do specific projects. We will build upon this success and add projects that have significant cost and energy savings.”
Plans are in place to partner with organizations like the Land of Sky Waste Reduction Partners which performs energy audits for nonprofits, schools and municipalities. Projects will be transparent to ensure that offset buyers are directly aware of the specific projects they help fund, so all participants know the quality of the offset they are purchasing.
“Appalachian Offsets offers a tremendous secondary benefit in that the offset allows recipients to retain more capital for mission-related efforts,” Ruark-Eastes said. “By keeping those dollars local and with community organizations, these credits will cycle funding through the local economy, which yields a positive impact for a much longer time than traditional carbon credits.”
The relaunch of Appalachian Offsets is made possible by grants from the Kendeda Fund and the Ray Anderson Foundation.
Be a part of the solution with Appalachian Offsets. Visit www.cutmycarbon.org today to calculate and offset your carbon footprint!
Founded in 2001, the WNC Green Building Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the mission of promoting environmentally sustainable and health-conscious building practices through community education, measurable standards and regional action . The nonprofit is making a difference locally and regionally through its community initiatives and resources including the annual WNC Green Building Directory; Appalachian Offsets carbon offsetting program; and green building certifications such as Green Built NC, Green Gauge and LEED For Homes, offering checklists for new and existing homes. For more information, or to donate or become a member, visit www.wncgbc.org .
Appalachian Offsets Your Local Solutionto Global Pollution WNC Green Building Council, PO BOX 17026, Asheville NC 28806 | 8282541995 • cari@wncgbc.org